Features from the Frontline: Leor

Features from the Frontline: Leor


By Mel K

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Meet Leor, an enrolled Nurse who brings a sense of fun and laughter to her care of patients to help ease their concerns during challenging times. She is a dynamo of energy and connoisseur of home grown figs!

At NNT, we want to acknowledge the incredible contribution these people make to our communities, the challenges they face and the essential work they do, every single day.NNT_FFTF_Leor_04-1
Q. What made you decide to become a nurse?

A. In my case it was a matter of who, not what. My Aunt and Uncle played a pivotal role. I didn't start studying nursing until I was 30, and they wanted me to have a profession I could rely on into the future. My aunt being an ex-nurse herself thought I’d suit nursing. There are so many settings for nurses so it's a great lifelong profession that can evolve with you as your life changes. I'm really grateful to them for the advice and the gentle shove and thankful to myself for listening to them. 

Q. Who are those around you that have empowered you during your career?

A. Colleagues and patients. I'm lucky, I’ve been able to work with very professional, dedicated, funny amazing nurses and I've also had the opportunity to get to know and help look after so many people whose backgrounds and stories are so diverse.

Q. What do you wish people know about Enrolled Nurses?

A. I'm not sure a lot of people know that there's a difference... I suppose I’d like people to remember what I’d hope they already know, that nurses work very hard, often in chaotic situations, managing many priorities at once and whether we know you for a short time or a long time, we are there to advocate for you to ensure you are getting the safest, most effective care.

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Q. What does a typical day look like for you?

A. Currently I am an agency nurse, which means I work in different settings. from Oncology to surgical wards, to Rehab. I fill in when somewhere is short-staffed. A typical day is receiving handovers for my patients than going around and meeting them. I then make a detailed plan of my patients’ requirements for that day depending on their individual care needs. I'm involved with all aspects of care from assisting with hygiene and helping people get ready for the day, ensuring medications are given and they get any treatments that they require. A lot of my time is also spent liaising with Surgeons, Physicians, and all the members of the allied health team to help people to achieve their individual therapy goals

Q. What challenges do you face and how do you overcome them?

A. We're helping people during very difficult times in their lives so it can be both physically and emotionally heavy at times and it's not always easy to leave those emotions at work. I get in the car, take some deep breaths and tell myself I did what I could that day, then I (poorly) sing along to loud music on the way home…. seems to help. Also, it helps that I have someone at home who lets me offload when I need to.

Q. What do you think your superpower is?

A. I'm not sure I’d call it a superpower but if I can make my patients laugh then it's been a good day. Their days are often monotonous and it's nice to know you can break it up a bit by connecting with them and having a good laugh.


Mel K
Mel K

Mel is our Marketing and PR Guru! Apparel can play a large part in bringing people together and that's where Workwear Group comes in.

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